Coaching Commitment

The contract between the Coach and the Coaching Counterpart provides the personal commitment of each party towards the success of the coaching encounter.

The Relationship

In agreeing to a coaching relationship, the Coach and the Coaching Counterpart understand that coaching:

  •  May address specific projects, work performance, skill levels, and general conditions in the Coaching Counterpart’s profession or life as they impact on workplace performance.

  • Requires a co-active, collaborative approach. In the coaching relationship, the Coach plays the role of a facilitator of change, and it is the Coaching Counterpart’s responsibility to enact change and implement actions that have been agreed to between sessions.

Coach commitments

  • Throughout the working relationship, the Coach will:

  • Engage in direct and personal conversations either face-to-face or by telephone, as jointly agreed between the parties.

  • Determine with the Coaching Counterpart the most useful and desired outcomes.

  • Apply contemporary Organisational coaching practices within the coaching relationship.

  • Provide a safe, yet challenging learning environment for the Coaching Counterpart to promote exploration and discovery.

  • Take a holistic, integral approach to coaching, partnering with the organization, if applicable, to ensure all required support is provide to the Coaching Counterpart.

  • Seek feedback from the Coaching Counterpart and review coaching outcomes achieved against goals set.

Counterpart Commitments

Throughout the working relationship, the Coaching Counterpart will:

  • Set with the Coach, the interim activities to be carried out between coaching sessions and action these between sessions in order to obtain the full benefit from this coaching.

  • Demonstrate a willingness to be actively involved and committed to coaching.

  • Participate with an open mind and a readiness to move forward.

  • Come prepared and on time to all coaching sessions with interim activities completed.

  • Give permission to the Coach to challenge and confront thinking, behaviours and feelings during the coaching sessions in support of development goals.

Ethics and confidentiality

  • Any specific information discussed, or issues raised during the course of coaching will be on a strictly confidential basis.

  • Devereaux Consulting will maintain notes on the progress of the coaching sessions, and will ensure complete confidentiality of this information, except in rare circumstances where decreed by law or as agreed by the Coaching Counterpart for a specified purpose.

  • The Coach will work within the professional ethics guidelines designated by the International Coaching Federation. Copies of the ethical guidelines are available upon request.



Preparing for your interview